Our friendship.

Your devices.

Right now.

Adulting can be hard, but real friendships make things better. The trouble is… how does it work? Megan and Lindsay are friendship enthusiasts and great collaboration activists on a mission: to demystify the steps good humans of all ages can take to get closer, connected, and clammy together (with joy and enthusiastic consent). They’ve been friending and trending together since meeting at work in 2011. #NoJobCanContainUs

Season 1: The Friendship Export.

Friendship is a muscle, and when we practice together - and practice well - we can grow the fabric of awesome that’s available for shared visions, adventures, and joys.

If you’re good people who long to get up to fun stuff surrounded by other good people check out this season to lap the lingo we have used to build a friendship that works, rocks and flocks (together).

Growing together and separately creates a universe for awesome friendships that makes a difference to our lives and experiences - and the world we see around us.

[Do we look familiar but you can’t quite place it?!? It was most likely our double-spread feature in a semi-tabloid magazine across Australia and New Zealand celebrating our friendship as Best Bus Buddies. This is what can happen when you spontaneously declare a Publicity Department for your friendship and seek PR. Years later, you’re now on our website.]

“Lindsay is the best, and now because she wanted us to make things, we have a friendship website and radio show. I hope this helps you find Lindsays aplenty for your own life.”

Megan Mellin • Co-Host & Concept Director

“Sometimes I still can’t believe that a being as magical as Megan exists in this world. I love Megan and now you can, too.”

Lindsay Gordon • Co-Host & Arts and Engineering Director


We’re on a mission to inspire 1,000 other generous, kind, rooted, free-flowing and collaboratively amazing friendships, and we’re honored to be part of your friend-forging journey.

Want to support our mission? Check out the show (above), browse available collabortunities, and bring your best. Let’s create together!

Fill out our Friendship Survey

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Request a workshop (for your group or audience)

Propose a future podcast episode

Let's create together

Let's create together